Upselling your summit
How Affiliate Payouts Are Tracked
Setting up Speakers as Affiliates
Setting Up an Affiliate Program
Setting Up a Speaker-Level Giveaway
Setting up a Promo Banner
Setting an expiration date for coupons
Removing Notable Brands from a talk page
Viral Incentives
Explaining Notable Brands, Sponsors and Affiliates
Adding a Coupon
Creating Restrictions on Coupons
Changing Affiliate Commission
How To Bundle Your Giveaways
Becoming a HeySummit Affiliate
Setting up an event-wide giveaway
Adding Testimonials
Adding a Sponsor
Adding Sponsors As a Header Link
Creating Offers and Giveaways
Where do Giveaways, Offers and Freebies Appear?
Disabling affiliates or removing the 'Join Our Partner Program' footer link
Disabling or editing the 'sponsor this conference' area on your event
Entering your details for talk-specific offers/ giveaways/ freebies
Promoting Your Event
How Does HeySummit Determine Giveaway Winners?
Adding a Notable Brand to your event
How to direct attendees to your sponsor pages
Adding Offers and Giveaways Using Your Speaker Dashboard