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Creating Offers and Giveaways
Benjamin Dell avatar
Written by Benjamin Dell
Updated over 6 months ago

An offer makes your summit more attractive and enticing, capturing the attention of your audience by providing added value.

To set up an offer to incentivise your audience and give them that extra encouragement to register for your summit, here are quick and straightforward steps for you to follow.

  1. If you would like to provide exclusive offers (separate from any offers made available by your speakers) to attendees, head to Content > Offers and Giveaways > Add Offer or Giveaway.

  2. Select whether it's an Offer, Freebie, or Giveaway. You can also create and assign custom groups to display perks in a way that best suits your event structure.

  3. Fill out the offer or giveaway details and hit Save when you're done.

  4. You can also restrict access to offers and giveaways to specific tickets by choosing under the 'Restrict to Tickets?' drop-down menu. This is helpful if you might want to create a discount offer but only make it available to those who have purchased certain tickets.

  5. If the offer or giveaway is from one of your speakers, you can link it to the speaker. If it’s related to a specific talk by the speaker, you can link it to that talk. If the offer or giveaway is only linked to a talk and there are several speakers for that talk, it will automatically be associated with all of the speakers. You can also link it to a sponsor.

  6. You can also enable the Talk-Specific CTA where you can set up offers to be displayed as CTAs at the end of specific talks. By default, these offers will appear 15 minutes before the talk concludes, but you can adjust the timing to fit your needs.

If you want to enable your speakers to add their own offers and giveaways, please make sure to turn on this feature in the speaker settings. Go to Contents > Speakers and click (...) on the top right corner of the page.

Other customizations you can make are the following:

Override Button Title: You can customize the button text for each perk (default: “Redeem Offer”).

Hide Perks from Main List: Option to hide a perk from the main list, allowing you to reveal it only during talks via a CTA.

Direct Redemption: Choose to send attendees directly to a redemption URL or file instead of opening the sidebar with instructions.

Additionally, ensure that you have sent their speaker logins and they have accepted the invite for them to access their speaker dashboards. To do this, go to Contents > Speakers > (...) next to the name of the speaker and click Send Login Details.

You can also upload files up to 10MB directly to an offer or freebie, in addition to the existing option of adding a link to an external URL.

Learn more about where Offers and Giveaways appear in your event.

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