Your event is ready, but you're wondering where your replays are. You can't see the option in your navigation bar and would like to have them available on-demand for your attendees. We'll explain everything below.
First, it's important to know that all of your sessions will be "live" at least once - even if your videos are pre-recorded.
Once your session is "live" (viewed for the first time by your attendees at the scheduled time), then this session will become a replay.
Note that only pre-recorded sessions and BigMarker webinars will be automatically connected as a replay after your session has finished its original live run. Look to this help doc for the steps of setting up replays for custom stream sessions or other webinar sessions.
When you have at least one live session in the past or replay, your Replays tab on your event navigation bar will appear. This tab can then be accessed by your attendees to view your content on-demand if allowed by their pass.
You can also configure how your replays are displayed on your Replay tab. Just go to Event Setup > General > Talk & Replay Experience.
If you're trying to add content on-demand without a starting date, you should check out our Evergreen Summit feature.
To learn more about the difference between live and pre-recorded sessions, click here.