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How does voting work?
Benjamin Dell avatar
Written by Benjamin Dell
Updated over a week ago


Attendees are starting to view your talks and you would like to know the most popular ones. Following this, you would like to know how to promote these talks to your attendees.

Quick start

  1. When your talk goes live, attendees have the option to 'Upvote' a talk once it goes live. The button remains active for replays as well.

  2. The talks with the most number of votes will get put in the email template sent out to all your attendees, Your Daily Digest.

  3. This email includes the top three voted-for talks from the previous day to support audience discovery.

  4. To see how many votes each talk received, head over to Reporting > Talk Reports and click the Export button. You will then receive an email from us to download the data. That's it!

Please note that this feature cannot be turned off at this time.

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