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You Want to Know When HeySummit Sends Your Event Emails
You Want to Know When HeySummit Sends Your Event Emails
Benjamin Dell avatar
Written by Benjamin Dell
Updated over 2 weeks ago

You're organizing an event and have a lot of plates to keep spinning. Emails are the last thing you want to deal with right now. Fret not, the HeySummit Team have generated copy for your event emails that confirm talk details, welcome attendees and even showcase the most popular content throughout your event.

By default, the following emails are triggered at the following times. As an event organizer, you can stop an email from sending or editing the content. Do so by heading to Event Dashboard > Emails.

Here's how to edit email templates.

1. Emails Speakers Receive Before the Event

  • Subject: Please check your speaker details

  • Content: The template email copy encourages the speaker to login to their speaker dashboard and upload their speaker and talk details

  • Dependency: This email is only triggered when the event organizer clicks the send login details button. This is not sent to the speaker unless you action this.

  • Time: When "send speaker login details" is selected

2. Emails Speakers Receive During the Event

  • Subject: Your talk is in 24 hours

  • Content: In this email, HeySummit shares the unique URL for the speaker to join the webinar

  • Dependency: This email is only sent if the event organizer has configured the talk to be live and integrated with one of the webinar solutions

  • Time: 24 hrs before the scheduled talk time

  • Subject: Your talk is starting in 60 mins

  • Content: A reminder to prepare for their live talk and the link to the webinar platform the event organizer has set up

  • Dependency: This email is only sent if the event organizer has configured the talk to be live and integrated with one of the webinar solutions

  • Time: 60 mins before the scheduled talk time

3. Email Speakers Receive After the Event

  • Subject: You have a giveaway winner

  • Content: This message gives the speaker the email of the attendee selected as their prize-winner

  • Dependency: Only if the event organizer or the speaker selected to offer a giveaway

  • Time: 24 hrs after the scheduled talk time

4. Emails Attendees Who Have Not Completed Registration Receive

  • Subject: Don't forget your ticket!

  • Content: Includes a link for attendees to reserve tickets

  • Dependency: Sent to an attendee who started the checkout process, but did not reserve a ticket

  • Time: Sent to an attendee 2 hours after starting the checkout process

5. Emails Attendees Receive Before the Event

  • Subject: You're in!

  • Content: Says hello, includes a link to the event, gives them a chance to amend their schedule and spread the word with a tweet (if you have the tweet enabled)

  • Dependency: If the attendee accepted Ts & Cs

  • Time: Immediately along with the payment receipt once the attendee accepts Ts & Cs
    (Will be also sent to imported attendees)

  • Subject: Here's your schedule

  • Content: The session details and links to the relevant talk pages that the attendee has registered for during registration. (The test email will include two sessions as examples)

  • Dependency: Only triggered if an attendee accepts the Ts and Cs

  • Time: 15 mins after an attendee accepts the Ts and Cs along with the calendar invite (if enabled)

  • Subject: See you soon!

  • Content: ##{{ event_title }} starts soon. Get ready for a week of pure value.

  • Dependency: Won't be sent for Evergreen events (because there's no technical 'start date'). If the event type is ongoing series, you can enable 'Send 'Day Before Reminder' Per Talk' (Setup > General > Email Settings) so that email is sent 1 day before each talk (and not just 1 day before the entire event).

  • Time: 14.00 (local event time) the day before the first talk starts

6. Emails Attendees Receive During the Event

  • Subject: Your daily digest

  • Content: Includes the top three voted-for talks from the previous day to support audience discovery. This includes a list of all talks that the attendee is booked into for that day with links to the talk pages (if they are not booked into any for that day they will not see any talks listed here).

  • Time: The email is scheduled to be sent two hours before the first talk of the entire event, not necessarily the first talk of each day. For instance, if the first talk of the event is scheduled for 9:45 a.m., the Daily Digest emails will start sending at 7:45 a.m. each day while the event is ongoing.

  • Subject: We're starting in under an hour!

  • Content: An email to let attendees know that a talk they are booked into is starting in an hours time. This reminder email includes a link to the HeySummit talk page of the session that attendees are being reminder of and doesn't include the direct join link for webinars or custom streams. The attendee will be able to access the video content once on the talk page, either embedded there (i.e. Vimeo Live, YouTube Live, pre-recorded content), or lead to a separate tab after clicking the 'Watch now' button found there (i.e. webinars, custom streams)

  • Dependency: Per talk the attendee is registered for

  • Time: 60 mins before scheduled talk time

  • Subject: We're starting now!

  • Content: A final reminder to let the attendee know that a talk they booked into is starting in a few minutes. This again includes the link to the relevant HeySummit talk page

  • Dependency: Per talk you are registered for

  • Time: 20 mins before the scheduled talk time

  • Subject: Talk cancelled

  • Content: A message to inform attendees that a talk they have booked into has been cancelled by the speaker due to unforeseen circumstances.

  • Dependency: Attendees who had registered for a talk that the event organizer cancels

  • Time: When the event organizer cancels a talk. Please note that if you send the email outside of the Event dates, the email wouldn't trigger.

  • Subject: Your replay links and exclusive offers

  • Content: A message to attendees that includes the replay links and exclusive speaker offers for the talks they were booked into that day.

  • Dependency: Only sent if an attendee was booked into a talk on that day. Please note that unless the webinar provider being used automatically syncs the recording (such as BigMarker) the event organizer is responsible for making sure that the replay has been added for each talk. If a replay isn't added then the attendee will see a message on the talk page explaining that the replay is in the process of being added.

  • Time: 23.00 daily if the attendee has booked into a talk.

Here's how to add a replay video.

  • Subject: A new talk has been added!

  • Content: An email including an invitation to register for newly-added talk(s).

  • Dependency: Sent to all attendees when a new talk (or talks) is added if the event organizer has checked the "notify attendees of this talk" checkbox in Advanced Settings, within 24 hours of the event starting or while during the event.

  • Time: 10.00 daily throughout the event's run (from when the first scheduled talk has started until the end of the last talk)

7. Emails Attendees Receive After the Event

  • Subject: Event wrap-up

  • Content: Includes top (voted) talks over the whole summit

  • Dependency: Won't be sent for Evergreen events (because there's no technical 'end date')

  • Time: 24 hrs after the last talk was scheduled
    *Do note that this email is sent not just to ticket holders, but to all who added their email to your summit's sign-up page

  • Subject: You've won!

  • Content: An email is sent to the winner of a giveaway, where they are also introduced to the Speaker providing the giveaway so that the speaker can follow-up and help them redeem it. Or, if it's an event-wide giveaway, to reply to the email (which will be sent to the inbox of the event support email set up under Event Setup > Settings > Event Basics)

  • Time: 24 hrs after talk

Note that attendee emails (e.g. Daily Digest, schedule, reminder and replay emails) never include the exposed links to webinars or live streams for privacy reasons. The emails will only include the link to the HeySummit talk page where they will be redirected to the appropriate platform after clicking the "Watch now" button found there (if logged in with the correct ticket).

If you've noticed that some of the emails are not being sent to your attendees or speakers, you can check for possible reasons using this helpful document.

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