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Why Isn't My Event Doing Well? Tips for Success
Why Isn't My Event Doing Well? Tips for Success
Jerica avatar
Written by Jerica
Updated over a week ago

If you have a feeling that your results aren't up to par and you're eager to improve, consider this step-by-step checklist. It outlines key aspects to observe, helping you gauge whether you're heading in the right direction.

Traffic Sources: Think about where your website visitors are coming from. Are they coming from your email list? If so, those are warm leads, and they're more likely to register. If they're coming from ads or referrals where they don't know much about your event, they might not register as easily. It's essential to know where your traffic is coming from, like social media posts, blog posts, or paid ads.

Ticketing Strategy: Offering free tickets can boost registration because it's easy for people to sign up. You can then offer them additional paid options later on. Many people who start with free tickets end up buying something during the registration process. If you want to grow your attendee list and have more opportunities to sell, consider introducing a free ticket. One popular strategy is to set the free ticket to only give access to live broadcasts. Most attendees will be unable to watch all talks live and so will often find it tempting to upgrade to a paid ticket to unlock the replays.

Ticket Prices: You can experiment with ticket prices, but before you do that, consider adding a free ticket option. Sometimes, just having a free ticket can make your event more appealing to potential attendees. This is especially helpful if you have a lot of traffic coming to your site.

Content and Messaging: Make sure your event's message reaches the right people. It's crucial to present your content in a way that resonates with your target audience.

In summary, know where your website visitors come from, consider using free tickets, experiment with pricing, and ensure your event message fits your audience. These steps will help make your event a success.

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