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Viewing Email Delivery Status for Attendees and Speakers
Viewing Email Delivery Status for Attendees and Speakers
Benjamin Dell avatar
Written by Benjamin Dell
Updated over a week ago

In the attendee and speaker reports, any potential email deliverability issues reported by the recipient's mail server will be highlighted.

Emails highlighted in Red

Issues highlighted in red indicate that there was a hard bounce (meaning that the email address could not be found) or that the recipient marked one of your emails as spam. When this happens, we will immediately stop sending any emails from this recipient to protect your email reputation.

Emails highlighted in Yellow

On the other hand, a deliverability email highlighted in yellow indicates what is known as a soft bounce. This is when the recipient's mail server reports back to us that there is a temporary issue with them receiving the email. This could indicate that their inbox is full or that there is a temporary network issue with their mail server. When this happens, we will continue to attempt to send future emails to that recipient.

If you’re seeing a heightened level of emails flagged in either the attendee report or the email sent report and if they’re in yellow, then that could mean a deliverability issue.

If you’re using a custom email sender, we highly recommend that you activate DKIM signatures. This is optional, however, it can significantly improve the overall deliverability of emails.

Please note that in order to set up your DKIM signatures, your custom email address should be verified first.

If you would like to check what a specific email will look like ahead of time, you can always send yourself a test email. If you were to customize an email template, for example, sending a test email allows you to see the email exactly as it will appear when it's sent to attendees or speakers.

You can do this from your Dashboard by going to Emails. From here click the three dots next to the template you'd like to send and select Send Test Email.

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