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Footer Links
Benjamin Dell avatar
Written by Benjamin Dell
Updated over a year ago

To manage and add footer links to your summit, head to Event Setup> Footer links.

You can add several footer links to your event in three different columns like the screenshot below.

To add a new footer link, click on Add Link, and you'll get a pop-up asking for a title, URL and to select which column you'd like this footer to be put on.

If you'd like to create a new page with information within HeySummit, perhaps a "FAQs" or a "Contact Us" page, you can do so by navigating to your Header links and adding a new link.

After you've created your new page within HeySummit, copy the URL of your new page and add that under the footer's URL field. Make sure you've hidden the header link from the navigation tab so it will only be displayed as a footer.

This is an example of what your footer links will look like on the front end of your event.

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