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A Guide to the Affiliate Dashboard
A Guide to the Affiliate Dashboard
Benjamin Dell avatar
Written by Benjamin Dell
Updated over 4 months ago

You have signed up for an affiliate program for an event - what next? Where do you access your referral link? How can you track your referrals and commissions? Read on to find out more information.

Head to your partner event page and select the "I'm a Speaker, Partner, or Organiser" button to sign in.

2. After you have entered your credentials and logged in, you will find your Partner Dashboard. Here you will find information like your unique affiliate URL, sign-ups commission, and total revenue.

Total Purchases = the total number of users that have used your referral link to start registration since you signed up as an Affiliate.

Total Commission Earned = the total revenue you've brought to the event since you registered.

Commission = the amount you've made this month as an Affiliate. E.g., If two tickets were bought this month using my referral link, both costing $50 dollars and my commission rate was set at 10 %, I'll have made a $10 commission this month. $10 would show in the Commission field for that month.50 dollars

You can also see your total purchases and commissions as graphs.

3. Make sure you add your Partner Details here too to get your payments and information set up.

4. On your Dashboard, you will see another quick menu to access the information on your referrals, payouts, and the events you're partnered with.

5. The total purchases are the total amount of attendees who've registered using this affiliate's link since they registered as an affiliate.

6. The commission is the total net revenue for the current month.

7. Total commission earned is what you have made for the event since you first registered as an Affiliate.


Why is my Affiliate's Revenue different than the one in my Event Organiser Dashboard?

Revenue shown in the Event Organiser Dashboard is the total revenue this affiliate has brought to your event. Likewise, the commission you see in your Dashboard is the total revenue for the affiliate as opposed to a monthly number. You can check their monthly commission under Affiliate Payouts.

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